Age 12

Adventurous Adventurer

The hours circled the clock in x consecutive strokes. Within at short time, I saw sides of. u that take not hours, but ars for me to see in others. ow vividly I can remember our st encounter. There you stood the edge of the stage, mewhat shy, slightly with. rawn. glancing at me autiously out of the corner of our eye. You were so beautiful, ke a shimmering diamond midst rows of concrete pebles. Your sparkling Self pereated the entire room. Our yes met, just for a moment, inmately caressing each other's puls. I knew I had to meet you. or me, this was an all too new nd frustrating situation. Isually, I am the object of the hase, the desired game. But for nce the talbes were turned.

I don't quite know what it was bout you, yet you were diferent, a breath of refreshing air n an otherwise stagnant hirlpool of despair. I was hrilled to find a marvelously nutual interest. Our converation touched upon endless opics; playfully and seriously, And then tragically my heart ank to the floor when I liscovered your home was an、 Infinity away. Determined to grasp the few moments I could, I anxiously awaited our next evening together.



I wanted you then, I want you

As you approached me, your nervously boyish charm teasingly played at my emotions. now, and I want you tomorrow. I genuinely liked you, it was am afraid. I don't really under.

September, 1975


amusing and frankly flattering to stand why. It is terribly Mcc Cleveland Forced To Move

watch you. For I could tell you frustrating to want to share your were trying hard to please me. life with someone and not be Little did you know, I was able to. Afraid of rejction, I reject before any hurt can be in. whistling the same tune. How romantically intense the flicted upon me. Oh my friend, the gentle unevening evolved when we ac. cidentally fell upon that quaint derstanding and soft patience Italian restaurant. It was there you express lighten me with rays that you opened your heart and of hope and a desire for the first time to really try, not so much spilled the secret details of your for me, but for you as well. life. Your momentary sorrow and contemplativeness reached out Perhaps now I can break through these walls of and grasped the very throes of my own isolated heart. Com. selfishness and solitude, and be passion and empathy filled my able at last to love. Strange, I've always characbeing, and I wanted so to let you terized myself as such a strong, know I understood.

Now we sit on my delapidated self-suffcient person, one who nineteen fifties sofa, basking in could take on the world singlehanded and openly win. How the comforting music that fondles our ears. The eternal self-deceiving I can be. I admit my weaknesses to you, showman in you emerges and entertains. Tacky and tart, danmy friend, and with them I offer cing on dimples, perpetually you my strengths. All I ask from perverse, you assume so many you is a little time and continued understanding. If I could give diversified roles that I can hardly keep up with all my laughter and you the world on a silver platter, glee. I allow the moment to enwould. You, and you alone are the source of my inspiration, velop me. Unconcerned with the past and the pinnacle of all my and burying any references to aspirations. the future, I fall willingly under the spell of that madness we call NOW! The feelings of elation seem to be endless.

Charassment did present some difficulty in terms of a time element.

"We were gathering our resources at a moderate pace, and looking around for facilities that we could have all to our. selves, with no real need to

worry about a landlord getting homophobia after we've been around for awhile. Fortunately, several places were located rather quickly, and we have begun negotiating for them. But the harassment seemed to initiate new pressure from St. John's for a quick departure date, and they wanted us to be out by the end of September. Now, we deal in miracles everyday, but that kind of miracle I couldn't guarantee. So we have negotiated to continue worshipping there until the end of October, if necessary."

The office space for the church will have to be closed at the end of the month of September, however, and this may present a problem to the groups that use the space with the MCC, and will definitely put a cramp in the services the church provides to the community. The

church telephone, which serves as the Gay Hotline, is reportedly on the verge of being opened into a full-time, 24 hour service. Unless new facilities can be located, the new project would have to wait, and current service could be seriously impaired Already, the MCC has had to cancel its planned reopening of. the Alternative coffee-house, and put a stop to regularly scheduled church social functions.

"The only thing to do now, states Mr. MacDonald," is to wait and see what God brings tr us. ! firmly believe that the Lord will see us through this prob er, as He has in the past. We need time, money, and a whole of praying! We are looking at a property at the moment that will meet our needs, and permit us to grow. But the owners want cash for it, and we are trying to negotiate a lease, for at least one year. God can work miracles, and I sure hope She's in with us on this one."

Worship services will continue at 2600 Church Avenue, at 8 p.m., until the end of October, or a new building is found.






1630 Payne Ave..